十大赌博登录官网校区的所有新建筑项目和重大改造都是LEED(领导力) in Energy and Environmental Design) certified by the U.S. 绿色建筑 Council. 这一承诺确保了质量,环保的建筑和 projects are undertaken on campus. Find more information about our LEED Certified 建筑物下面.

Albertus Magnus Hall of Science

Albertus Magnus Hall of Science阿尔伯特·马格努斯科学馆于2020年进行了扩建和翻新. 89000年 平方英尺的建筑面积翻了一番,是校园内第一个实现这一目标的建筑 LEED Gold certification (LEED v4 BD+C). The building overlooks Wege Pond and Coldbrook Creek on the south end of campus. Extensive windows along the building's exterior 促进采光,减少教室和办公室对人造光的需求. 该建筑拥有校园内第一个绿色屋顶,用作示范技术 and as a gathering area for faculty, staff, and students. The building has no outdoor 灌溉和所有厕所和水龙头都是低流量的,节约了40%的水 每年. 
建筑材料是从当地(500英里以内)获得的,并且是低排放的 materials, decreasing air toxins in the building. Motion sensors for indoor lighting and heat sensors regulate heating and cooling. The beautiful tables in the building 是否由校园内的再生木材制成,最大限度地减少对环境的影响 of transporting furniture and materials.

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom 教堂

教堂Our Lady Seat of Wisdom 教堂 is LEED Certified (2019). Construction of the 教堂 was completed in 2018. This 250-seat 教堂 is the first building in the college's history to be constructed specifically as a 教堂. It is located in the heart of 校园,以确保校园的所有成员都在教堂附近. 此外,十大赌博登录官网社区的每个人都和邻居一起走过 can enjoy one of the newest editions. The building has numerous notable green features 如下. 在建造大楼时,89%的建筑垃圾被转移 从垃圾填埋场. 雨水径流系统100%被转移到邻近的溪流. 为了节约用水,低流量的水龙头和马桶可以减少25%的用水量. 外的 建筑周围95%的面积都被植被覆盖,停车位也减少了 due to bicycle facilities.

St. Rose of Lima Hall (Formerly Ravine Apartment E)

Students in bleachers cheering on a sports team

十大赌博正规平台在线’s St. 利马大厅的玫瑰(原公寓E)获得了基本的LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification from the U.S. 绿色建筑 委员会(USGBC). USGBC使用LEED认证来指定世界上最环保的建筑, energy-efficient and high-performing buildings. St. Rose of Lima Hall boasts a viewout 地下室允许采光和校园运动场的视野. 这是一个复制品 圣. 马丁 de Porres Hall. The 29,178 square-foot residential space was certified 2016年7月. 更多信息


alsnis田径 & Recreation Building

室内跑道十大赌博正规平台在线’s new alsnis田径 & Recreation Building has recently been awarded LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Silver certification from the U.S. 绿色建筑 委员会(USGBC). The USGBC uses LEED certification to designate the 世界上最环保、节能和高性能的建筑. 

7万平方英尺的运动空间是由合作设计和建造的 by Integrated Architecture and Rockford Construction. Construction began in November 2013 and was completed in October 2014. The building was certified under LEED NC, v.3. 更多信息

Sturrus体育 & 健身中心
Fulton entrance to a building2010年,十大赌博正规平台在线的运动场被彻底翻新,成为斯图鲁斯 体育 & 健身中心. The renovation was done through Rockford Construction and the building achieved basic LEED certification (LEED NC 2.2).
Architect: Integrated Architecture
面积:57000平方米. ft.

绿色特点:建筑系统的设计超越了可比的节能 buildings by 46 percent. Cooling and refrigeration systems support early compliance with the Montreal Protocol. Over 95 percent of all construction waste was diverted from local landfills through recycling and reuse.


Academic Building: Second Floor
Furniture in the Academic Building1955年完工的学术大楼是学院管理人员的办公室, staff and faculty, in addition to classrooms and the library. When the library moved 到2006年获得LEED认证的新设施,即学术大楼的第二层 空着. 学院决定翻新和更新大楼的第二个 水平. 这项改造是由罗克福德建筑公司完成的,并获得了银牌 LEED certification from the USGBC (LEED CI, v.2). During the renovation process, over 75% of construction waste was diverted from a landfill.
为了最大限度地提高学术大楼二楼的能源效率,暖通空调系统, 照明系统和电器是根据能源性能进行审查和选择的. 日光传感器是照明控制系统的一个附加功能,用于关灯 当他们感觉到特定空间有足够的自然光时. 二楼 学术大楼的一层设有教室和办公室,以及教学中心 可持续性. 这个空间作为一个公共区域,学生和教师可以 come together, increasing communication.

St. 马丁 de Porres Hall (Formerly Ravine Apartment D)

Parking lot in front of one of the Aquinas apartment buildings最近,十大赌博正规平台在线的学生人数有所增加 多年来,导致对校园住房的需求不断增加. To address this issue, 学院决定为高年级学生建造一幢新的宿舍. St. 马丁 de Porres Hall在施工后获得了LEED基础认证 completed in 2008 (LEED NC, v.2.2). Tight controls were established during the building 这一过程减少了建筑垃圾,并使项目团队的回收率达到95% of the construction and land clearing debris.
Located on the east side of campus, the 十大赌博正规平台在线 St. 马丁 de Porres Hall the facility overlooks a nature preserve area and creek bed. Stormwater runoff is 进入渗透盆地,这些浅层蓄水池的设计目的是允许 stormwater to infiltrate into the ground. This helps to recharge local aquifers and it is believed to have high pollutant removal efficiency. State-of-the-art HVAC and 安装了电气系统以减少能源消耗. Water use was reduced 23.2%通过精心选择节水装置和设备. 按照 与学院的目标,高系统性能,这一设施的设计 to operate efficiently.

Grace Hauenstein 图书馆
Grace Hauenstein 图书馆Grace Hauenstein图书馆获得了美国绿色建筑委员会(LEED NC, v)颁发的LEED银奖. 2.1). Construction of the library was completed in 2006. Waste Not: Over 75% of all construction waste was diverted 从垃圾填埋场 through recycling and reuse.
明亮的照明:大窗户使75%的空间保持日光 and views in 90% of the seated spaces. This reduces the need for artificial lighting. 此外,还安装了日光传感器,以便在光线充足时关闭灯光 light is adequate to perform tasks in a given space.
节约用水:通过配备男女卫生间,用水量减少了30% 配备双冲水马桶,过滤水龙头和超低流量小便池. 同时, 厨房和看门人的水槽配备了带有曝气器的水龙头.
净化空气:在施工期间制定了室内空气质量计划 为了减少室内有气味、可能有刺激性的空气污染物的数量, or harmful to the installers and/or occupants. All adhesives, paints, sealants, and 涂料是低或无voc(挥发性有机化合物)排放. 地毯符合 Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Plus criteria. Once the project was completed, 新的暖通空调系统经过净化,以保持室内空气质量. 绿色清洁 还制定了确保保持清洁和健康空气质量的计划.
当地供应商,当地材料:部分建筑材料(20%)是采收的; 从十大赌博登录官网500英里内的设施中提取、回收或制造. 通过向当地制造商购买材料,我们刺激了地区经济 并减少运输材料到工作现场对环境的影响.
教育展示已经到位,以突出格雷斯豪恩斯坦的绿色组成部分 图书馆.

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